Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Old Faithful: Tomato!

Tomato flowers = tomatoes on the way!
 So I finally got my tomato plants, Lefty and Righty, into the ground. They immediately took off with the growing and the flowering and the actual possibility that they will produce tomatoes later. 

Many gardeners and 2nd grade teachers love growing tomatoes because even 2nd graders can grow them from seed.  The simplicity of tomatoes makes many a gardener depressed when the ever-so-simple tomato does not grow according to plan.  I've grown many a plant in my day and have learned quite a few tricks along the way. So, without further ado...

How to Grow Epic Tomatoes

  • When you transplant your plant, bury the stem and it will become a really strong root system.
  • Pull off "suckers." Best described as the leaves that grow in the "armpit" of the plant, between the arms and the stem.  They risk blocking other leaves and force the plant to focus on leaf-production instead of fruit-production.  Death to suckers!
  • Pull off leaves and branches at the base that touch the ground.  Leaf rot makes a happy tomato plant a brownish, droopy plant. 
  • Water regularly.  If the plant gets irregular water, the fruit will come out deformed and rotty looking. 
  • Keep bunnies away.  They like the leaves. Keep deer away. They like the fruit. 
  • Stake the plant before planting it.  If you stick a giant pole right next to the plant, you risk destroying the roots.   If you already have the plant in the ground, use the circular-style wire steaks.  At least then you can put them as far away from the stem as possible. 
  • If you notice all insects are avoiding your plant, feel free to cross-pollinate with a Q-tip and some patience. 
  • Don't forget the fertilizer.  You can use fertilizer specific to vegetables, or just all purpose plant food. Follow the directions carefully- too much and you'll kill the plant. 

Good luck and good growing!

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