Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Peppers of Leggett Farms

California Wonder bell pepper from the craigslist sale in May.
After making me feel like a terrible gardener for months, my pepper plants finally decided it was time to make some peppers.  As you can see above, that bell pepper is well on its way to being on my plate.  The healthy bell pepper plant has 3 peppers growing on it right now, the other two being much smaller than the one pictured above.

Click for more peppers!

Here we see another, less healthy California Wonder bell pepper.  This is the bell pepper I've photographed before.  I got the plant off of a FREE PLANTS table at a local farm stand.  It was (and is) quite sad looking and droopy.  The pepper has started changing colors, despite being lopsided and stunted.  It probably won't get much bigger before it's ripe.  

Aconcagua Pepper!
This was the real surprise of the garden- the aconcagua pepper is finally producing fruit!  Aconcagua peppers are sweet like bell peppers without any spiciness. Some people even think that they're sweeter than bell peppers.  The real crazy thing--- the peppers can reach 1 ft in length! I really hope this hot summer drags on into the fall so that I can see these bad boys grow.
Cayenne peppers-- classic.
And of course what is a post about peppers without my cayenne peppers making an appearance.  Here you can see one very spindly pepper in its transition from green to red.  Look carefully and you'll see a chubby green cayenne to the right.

Stay sweet (and spicy!)



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